At the end of February I visited London. Finally I could upload the pics to Facebok. It's a shame the plugin for uploading pics is still not working in Linux (at least in Ubuntu Hardy, or maybe it's something I'm doing wrong). Actually, I went there for a conference (more about it here: Back from Software Craftsmanship 2009), but I stayed there till the end of the week.
I finally couldn't visited neither Cambridge or Oxford, will keep those for a second chance I think. I spend my time walking back and forth the crowd core of the city: Picadilly, Regent Street, Soho, Chinatown where I enjoyed some Hong Kong and Japanese food: chicken curry at Cafe de Hong Kong, and a nice salmon donburi at Tokyo Dinner. I think I covered the basics. I like more walking aimlessly, go to a park, make some pause to enjoy a coffee. And although I don't like much to shut myself all day in a museum, I think London museums are worthy, at least The British Museum and The Natural History Museum.
For obvious reasons London reminded me to some extent of Dublin, but there was one thing, apart from the double-deckers, that reminded me of Hong Kong, and it was the rows of posters hanged on the sides of the escalators at the metro stations. I told this to an Englishman friend of mine, and surprisinly he confirmed me that whenever he thinks of London this comes to his mind.
Finally I couldn't take myself spotted next to Dr.Who's tardis. But the pints of Bulmers I enjoyed at the BBC Club (yes, a pub within the premises of the BBC studios, no need to go to the pub after work to get drunk, you can leave work already drunk ;-)) together with some guys from SongKick and other BBC engineers largely surpass that.
3 comentarios:
Facebook uploading thing does not work either for iMac + Firefox. Little annoying when it uploaded, after I do not know how many tries, all the pictures in super small size...
Like quite a lot one of your pics, one of the dinosaurs.
Great city!
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