sábado, enero 10, 2009


Happy 2009 to you all! I know I may be a little bit late, but I didn't want to miss the chance of congratulating you a very much happy new year.

I don't know why but 2009 seems exciting to me, I got the special feeling that remarkable things are going to happen this year. Same as my personal bet on La Casa Azul single "La revolucion sexual" at the end of 2007 when I predict it would become a smash hit in 2008. It certainly didn't become a super-smash hit, although is still played at some discos, but it was close to it. Only if Chiqilicuatre and his Chiqi Chiqui haven't get on his way, "La revolución sexual" had turned the official candidate of Spain for Eurovision contest. I guess there are certain events that no matter how harder you try you can never foresee, like being defeated by a freak wearing an Elvis-look-like wig and carrying a toy guitar.

Anyway, I got good vibrations for this 2009 and following the spirit of my friend Prash advices I would like to share with you what my resolutions for this 2009 are:
  • Gaining more and more independence. Well, finally I could move out from home and now I am currently living in Pontevedra, hope this will be the first step for starting doing more things on my own.
  • Blogging more. Blogging is just like going to the gym, it requires some sort of discipline. If you leave it for one day, then is more and more difficult to resume. I hope I can turn blogging an habit and do it more often.
  • Keep on saving. Yes, I won't try to save more, just keep on saving some money just like I have been doing so far. I liked Prash advice of putting aside a fixed amount of money every month to other bank account.
  • Sit down for the CPE. I know this an ambitious goal and I'm still far from passing if I took the exam today, but it has been almost two years since I passed CAE and I need a goal to motivate myself studying. As a co-lateral goal, I may try to write the reports for my Phd courses in English.
  • Improve my cooking skills. This is not so difficult as my cooking skills are right now below than what I would consider sufficient, but I started enjoying cooking now. I took a basic course last November, and hope I can fix that knowledge by cooking daily, and take some more courses in March and April. Learning how to cook Chinese (apart from sweet-and-sour pork and lemon chiken) would be nice.
  • Resume doing some sort of exercise. Since I moved to Pontevedra I have stopped exercising. Before I was living close to a swimming pool facility where I used to go couple of times per week. Now it seems there's not swimming pool nearby where I live in Pontevedra. I should start looking for some place where exercising.
  • Keep on traveling. Traveling is like a drug in your veins, once you started you cannot quit. Hope I can visit new countries, meeting new people and experience new cultures this year again (and better if I can share all this in good company xD)
  • Being a better person. Not a resolution for this year, but for everyday. Making others happy, learn and listen to them, and being considerate to others.
  • Being more happy. As Voltaire said: “I decided to be happy because they is good for health”
Although I know that at the end of this year, when I look back at this list and reckon how many of these resolutions I have accomplished the number will be scarse, I hope I can keep them all in mind for this year. If I can get half of this done, I will be more than happy.

Happy 2009!!!

5 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

Feliz año!! Espero que te venga lleno de viajes y alegrías :)
Va siendo hora de tomarnos un cafecito y ponernos al día eh? Tienes mucho que contar, estoy seguro. Antes de lo que esperas paso por Pontevedra y te pego un ring.

Un abrazo, buen año nuevamente :)

Diego Pino dijo...

En Pontevedra, Vigo, Santiago pero antes de 2010 xD.

Ya me contarás que tal por Dygra, por cierto, el anuncio de Movistar os ha quedado chulísimo :)

Banyuken.es dijo...

Gran post, Diego. Yo también te deseo lo mejor para este 2009, y por supuesto que cumplas todos tus objetivos, sobre todo el de ser mejor persona (aún). Un fuerte abrazo.

iurgir dijo...

New Year Resolutions in your blog... New Era.
Aunque lo último que dicen los psicólogos es que la gente se deje de hacer estas cosas...
Mucha mierda para el 2009 (me encanta la frasecilla argentina!)

Anónimo dijo...

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